Consultants to

People and Companies

Positively Impacting

Our World

For over 20 years we have helped businesses bring their ideas to market.

As the climate crisis looms, we’re increasingly focusing on companies helping our planet to achieve net zero.

Focused on a Sustainable Future

Market Research

How big is my market? Who is my competition? How do I differentiate?Where should I focus my efforts?

Go-to-market Plans

What sales structure is best?
How do I generate leads?What will it take to close new deals?
What should my sales engine look like?

Business Strategy & Performance

I need an inspiring vision of my company’s future?
How does that drive my operational planning?
How do I build in sustainability?
Why do people work with me?
Can I improve my operational efficiency?

Ongoing Advisory Support

How do I get expert advice whenever I need it?
How can I be sure to remain on target?

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"Kingsford has provided excellent support and advice on all aspects of our business strategy. They give you great feedback and don’t pull any punches!"

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"Kingsford developed our market expansion strategy and provided us with an invaluable actionable plan, and we are now well on our way!"

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"The team at Kingsford was a pleasure to work with. With their help we now refined our commercialization strategy."

"Kingsford helped us to elaborate our processes, strengthen our internal communications and increase our forward thinking. We are a much more efficient machine."

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We publish Tuesday TUNE-UP every week - here are our most recent

Each contains insights and ideas intended to inspire and provoke thought and discussion

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Leadership & Management

Yesterday's Logic

5 Common Practices you should definitely move on from Peter Drucker said: “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence—it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. Well, we are in a time of turbulence - as per normal - although this quote feels particularly poignant just now. We see so many companies trying to operate today with...

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Leadership & Management

How 2025 will be the same as any – and all – other years

If your inbox is anything like ours, you will already be experiencing the annual deluge of trend predictions and forecasts for 2025 - all very interesting, but it can feel a bit like reading your horoscope.  Sure, things are always changing — the economy shifts, technology evolves, new buzzwords emerge — but you can’t grow a business based on...

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Leadership & Management

Another Year Over

We are fast approaching the end of the year, and this will be our final Tuesday Tune-up for 2024.  And what a year it's been.  And as we take a quick look at 2024, this is an indication of the world of challenge and more importantly, opportunity that awaits us for 2025. Over the last year we’ve

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