Graham Birkenhead, January 14 2025

Yesterday's Logic

5 Common Practices you should definitely move on from

Peter Drucker said: “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence—it is to act with yesterday’s logic”. Well, we are in a time of turbulence - as per normal - although this quote feels particularly poignant just now. We see so many companies trying to operate today with yesterday's logic.   A lot of the cultural norms and management practices that we insist on using today - and plan on using tomorrow too - were optimised for a different world - of business, economics, socio-cultural expectations etc.  

Acting with yesterday's logic is like trying to drive with one foot on the gas pedal, but the other on the brake.  So for SME CEOs and business owners, the question is: "What outdated thinking might you be holding onto that's slowing your business down?" 

Here are five persistent ways of thinking that could be holding you back. Do any of these sound familiar?  

1. Linear Thinking in a Nonlinear World

  2. Hierarchical Leadership in Collaborative Times

 3. Short-Term Wins Over Long-Term Strategy

 4. Insular Thinking in an Interconnected World

 5. Siloed Operations in a Connected Business Landscape

Some things are timeless ...While yesterday's logic may hold us back, there are of course several enduring practices that you should definitely continue with (see our 'Happy 2025' blog), such as:

Ad Futurum 


Written by

Graham Birkenhead


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