No matter what business you are in, there has never been a better time to expand your business. The opportunities being created by the pandemic are truly staggering. On March 17th I wrote a blog called 14 Days From Now that hypothesized about the future. Apart from being way off on the 14 days (we are now at day 204) the opportunities I referenced...
Read MoreEvery day I get at least five inbounds via LinkedIn or email. People from all over the world are telling that they will; “Fill my sales pipeline”, “Generate high-quality business leads”, outsource my inside sales to grow my pipeline, and so on. Sounds enticing but, trust me, it’s all useless.
Read MoreI love open water swimming, the fresh air, the peace and quietness, the natural smell of water rather than chlorine, and having the sense of going somewhere rather than bouncing off a wall every few strokes. As you swim along with your head down, you are thinking about what your body is doing and how efficiently you are moving through the water, i...
Read MoreWe are a mere 4 months into the new rapidly evolving world order, and it is nowhere near over. It will be many months (being optimistic) before the first vaccines are available, there are no effective treatments in sight, and as we learn more and more about this new disease, we realise that its physiological impact is a lot more complex than we at...
Read MoreI played my first 18 holes late last week with owners of Keynote Group and Rhapsody Strategies. It's quite different. Staying apart. Separate carts. Limited socializing after the game. Still fun – but different. After the game, 2 metres apart, we talked about the whole WFH movement. How many offices will shift to WFH? How do you interview? How do...
Read MoreAs the world starts to rebound, many of us are planning to expand our teams. And with that comes a once in a lifetime opportunity to rethink how we engage with and hire new people. Here are some observations: • For many of us, our new people can be located anywhere in the world – this provides huge opportunities in diversity (local knowledge/langu...
Read MoreWe are temporarily suspending the Best in World series to focus on operational effectiveness and efficiency. Last week, after we got Very serious about COVID19: • Schools, shops, events closed or shut down.• Social distancing has become the new normal• Panic buying seems to be abating• Governments announced a huge financial support package for busi...
Read MoreIn our last blog we introduced the concept of being Best In World. We noted that too many firms, that were moderately good at a wide range of things, are going out of business. They are being destroyed by global competitors who have a laser focus on small slices of their business and then cut away at their clients and their revenues.
Read MoreSubscribe to our Next Level Thinking for CEOS and Business Owners podcast.Listen to today's Best in the World podcast. Best in the World is a concept we've been working on for about 5 years. We wondered why some companies were extremely successful, expanded steadily and survived competitive approaches while others fizzled out. Many of the fizzlers...
Read MoreOne of our clients manufactures heavy-duty material handling equipment and sells it to the extraction industry around the world. The system is controlled by a central brain that ensures that all the moving parts function in harmony. Their solution is quite novel and well protected by patents but having a patent and being able to enforce it, especi...
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