There is absolutely no doubt that it won’t be Business as Usual for the next few years. And that could be a good thing! Why? As the late great Montrealer Leonard Cohn famously said: “Forget your perfect offering, There is a crack in everything,That's how the light gets in.”
Read MoreFeedback is a crucial element in engineering and science, ensuring that systems function optimally within known boundaries. Thermostats regulate temperature by adjusting heating output. Vehicle cruise control maintains speed but adapts to other traffic. Biological feedback loops—such as homeostasis and insulin regulation—help the body stay in...
Read MoreIt's that time of year for the release of the latest version of one of the most insightful annual studies; a study that really helps make sense of what we see happening around the world, and which should be part of any company's PESTLE consideration. Each year, the Edelman Trust Barometer surveys thousands of people across the globe (this year,...
Read MoreThe most common model for managing risk is what's known as the Ostrich Approach. This appears to work reasonably well in many situations, and is based on 3 concepts fortuitously working together:
Read MoreBut then came the curveball. Our club was invited to a 3K open-water swim in the Ottawa River. That’s three kilometres of cold, unpredictable water. No black lines at the bottom, no walls to push off. I’ve never done anything like it. Naturally, I said yes. Why? Because every year, I try to commit to one big, scary
Read MoreHwæt! We Gar-Dena in gear-dagum, þeod-cyninga, þrym gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon! We all remember inspirational teachers - those that in some way reached deeper into our minds and sparked wonder, creativity, imagination, and fun. For me, one such teacher - from my UK equivalent of Grade 3 - would tell us a classic story of adventure...
Read MoreBut what if the issue isn’t just what’s in, or not in your head, but where your head happens to be? Sometimes, the best way to kickstart creativity isn’t to push harder, but to step away and change your surroundings. There’s Psychology Behind ItWe’re all aware that our environment can affect our mood and how we feel; architects (some of them...
Read MoreI seem to be surrounded by people who have some big decisions to make - some about their lives, some about their business - some early in their careers - and some later. To varying degrees, some of these people have a history of making hasty decisions that at times worked out well, and other times not - and some of these people struggle to make...
Read MoreAnd conversely, the power of strong, lived values A company's values are becoming an increasingly important part of a market's buying decision making - and that market is made of up thousands or millions of individual people. And, in a world where people are losing trust in governments and other traditional guiding institutions (Edelman Trust...
Read MoreIn today's rapidly evolving business landscape, complexity seems to be a persistent constant. As business owners and CEOs, the challenge is not just to navigate this complexity but to thrive within it. We humans have been running businesses for a long time (several thousand years), so you'd think we would have a good handle on how to do that....
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