
Market Strategy

Product Market Fit is fine, but what about Brand Market Fit?

Andrew Penny, February 11 2025

Some companies spend way too much time developing insignificant incremental features for their products. Nobody buys a product, or service for that matter, based on how long the feature list is.  Once it can get the job done, the product capabilities become irrelevant. What becomes more important, as Pete Townshend might ask,

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Market Strategy

Doom Scrolling at Trade Shows Rots Your Mind

Andrew Penny, December 10 2024

The simple reality is that 99% of the attendees are not, and never will be, buyers – no matter how hard you try. Desperately trying to lure them in with free pens, gimmicks videos, magic shows and so on is simply a waste of time, money and energy. The harder you try the less likely it is that anyone will

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Market Strategy

Sell Me This Cup

Andrew Penny, September 3 2024

There is a Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) issue that pervades most companies, and they try to be attractive to as many buyers as possible. And when I say attractive, I am not referring to their product or service alone – I am including the whole package: product, price, packaging, brand, support and so

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Customer Sales

Stop Selling

Andrew Penny, May 28 2024

LET ME EXPLAIN It’s natural to focus on our well designed, thoughtful sales process. Most sales software has a pipeline management system that reinforces all the things we are supposed to do to move a prospect through the pipeline. Too often, these processes are sales centric and designed around an average situation that may not apply to

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Customer Sales

Two Essential Sales Acceleration Tools

Andrew Penny, May 21 2024

read last week’s Tuesday Tune Up Below, I’ll share 2 things to do today. The main drivers for the 750 number are:

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Customer Sales

Kano Coffee Shop

Graham Birkenhead, October 24 2023

I spend a lot of time in coffee shops.  I enjoy a good cup of coffee, fresh baking, ambiance, meeting people, and the opportunity to be somewhere different while trying to work.   Many coffee shops meet my needs, but I don't particularly have one that I always go to, I am indifferent to their differences. That was until recently. I found a new...

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Market Strategy

It’s like ‘When Harry Met Sally” but with Penguins

Andrew Penny, September 12 2023

Most movies are unique, except for the endless sequels. And so, when someone pitches a studio on a movie idea, they need to explain something that’s never been explained before. The simplest way to get the new idea across is by using a compelling metaphor. You start with something the studio boss already understands and build on that e.g....

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Leadership & Management

The Power of Purpose

Graham Birkenhead, August 1 2023

A sense of purpose is a crucial element of the well-being of any individual. Similarly, a sense of purpose can be a crucial aspect of any company’s culture and health. We like to think of a company’s purpose as being something much bigger than the company itself, something the company maybe couldn't achieve alone, something that they would...

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Market Strategy

The $32m Rock

Andrew Penny, June 13 2023

About a year ago in the sprawling Fura mine in Mozambique Balbir, the master sorter was on to something. After the sorting and sifting of hundreds of tons of earth and ore, a small red golf ball sized rock stood out. It was destined to become the world’s most expensive ruby. After the cutters and polishers had finished with it, the now thumbnail...

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Market Strategy

The Race is On

Andrew Penny, April 18 2023

Time to drop the clutch There is a great deal of talk about the economy slowing down.  So what? The North American economy is still worth about $28 trillion and Europe’s about $19 trillion.  So even if it’s not accelerating, there are still, collectively, 47 trillion ways to make a buck.  To go faster we must change gears, and that is just what...

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