There are good reasons why you should do both, and actually, for a fast-growing company, you should try to do both. There are advantages to each option, but there are also reasons why you should take care. Let’s go back to first principles and consider what we are really trying to achieve. In an earlier blog, I said that people are not your most...
Read MoreWe are working with the owner of a $20M business that manufactures racking systems. Growth has been solid, and they have come out of the pandemic with a solid order book. Sounds good, but the problem is that they are having tremendous difficulty attracting staff, completing orders, and managing inventory in an overcrowded work-space. The owner is...
Read MoreThe UK has recently carried out a trial-based study into the practicalities and impacts of a 4-day week - and the results are just in. The idea of a 4-day week has been around for quite a long time - with much anecdotal evidence suggesting that there could be considerable benefit. This latest trial involved over 70 companies of all sorts and...
Read MoreOur client was experiencing significant turnover amongst the new hires they needed to expand their production. They told us, ‘No one wants to work anymore’. Digging deeper it became evident that a small number of senior employees had created an environment that worked well for them but made it difficult for any new-comers to fit in. And worse, it...
Read MoreCome with me on a creative ramble and let's explore .... One of the topics within my Strategic Thinking workshops is The Box. Yes, the very box that everyone advises everyone else to think outside of - without explaining exactly what that means or how to go about it. We explore the idea that the box is actually your survival map of the world as...
Read More"WHAT??”, you say. “Are you serious??? Haven’t you heard the mantra that we all recite to ourselves, and each other, and liberally douse our corporate communications with???? ….. of course people are our most valuable asset!!!!" Sounds like you are a little surprised to hear me say that people are NOT your most important asset especially as...
Read MoreZig Zigler said, "You don't build companies, you build your people, and your people build the company". Last week, when exploring where to start when you want to bring improvements to your culture, I said that by a VERY significant margin, the most important element in a positive culture is RESPECT. And I asked if your staff feel respected?There...
Read MoreMost CEOs and company executives in North America now recognise that improving their corporate culture would have a very positive impact on their business' performance. They recognise that culture is up there with strategy, marketing, brand, finance, and IP in terms of importance. And most also admit that their culture is not where it needs to...
Read MoreSun Tzu said many things concerning the art of war that are just as applicable to the art of business. For example, "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” There are many aspects to the world today that we could describe as chaos, and in each there will be opportunity for those that care to
Read MoreThose elephants just sneak into the room with you, hide in plain sight whilst tucked away in corners, and cause havoc with your company’s performance. If only we could do something about that. Humans have an amazing ability to see and notice things that are different or changing, but we are generally less good at seeing things that don't change....
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