
Leadership & Management

To Shift or not to Shift

Graham Birkenhead, October 15 2024

Mental models are rather ingenious - they form as a result of us being exposed to new or different situations as we progress through life (aka learning); very many are formed during our formative years and are influenced by things such as culture, faith, or whatever is going on in the world around us at the time.  We use what we already know...

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Leadership & Management

Objective Perspectives

Andrew Penny, August 6 2024

But here’s the thing. There’s something about seeing a city from the open cockpit of an ancient biplane that gives you a completely different perspective; seeing how extensive the urban forest is, noting the two dog-legs in the Ottawa River (I knew it curved – but dog-legs?) and seeing a number of suspicious large structures... These are only...

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Leadership & Management

How do I have an environmental impact? Let me count the ways

Graham Birkenhead, July 18 2023

Most businesses do not have ESG reporting requirements; but there is increasing societal expectation that businesses will do the ‘right thing’.  Considering the environmental aspect of ESG, as the impact of climate change becomes more felt and real to larger proportions of the population (rather than abstract and something people elsewhere...

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Market Strategy

It's Time to Take Time

Andrew Penny, June 27 2023

Roger Greenberg of Minto Group was reflecting on his journey to building one of North America’s leading real estate developers. He acknowledged that the struggle is constant, and the uphill climb can be very hard. His advice to all those climbing similar mountains was to stop from time to time and admire the

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Market Strategy


Andrew Penny, July 26 2022

There is a great analytical tool called PESTLE - an acronym for Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, and Environmental. It is typically used to ensure a thorough scan of all external factors affecting a proposed plan of action. You use it to identify the forces working for you and against you – and your competitors – and your cu...

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Leadership & Management

Recession, Recession - The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling

Andrew Penny, July 19 2022

The talk about ‘recession’ has many owners rattled. Most of you reading this own small or medium sized businesses and by corollary have a small share of the markets you serve. If the overall market you serve shrinks by 1% it will have very little effect on your ability to expand. Your growth, or lack of it can’t be attributed to the overall economy...

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Leadership & Management

Context IS Everything

Graham Birkenhead, June 29 2021

Whenever the name Thomas Edison is mentioned, people often think about ‘the man that invented the light-bulb’, and most are aware of the many variations of his famous quote about trying to make the lightbulb work: “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work”.

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