Andrew Penny


Inflection Points

Andrew Penny, March 16 2021

Sherlock used powers of observation to understand causation. Here's how to apply that power of observation to determine what causes people to buy. If you can identify that 'inflection point' you can be there at the right time with the right messages. Homeostasis is a biological system's ability to maintain an internal equilibrium in response to ch...

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Market Strategy

The 5 Ways to Grow Your Business

Andrew Penny, March 9 2021

Most of the time when people come to us they are looking for help to grow their businesses. And when you think about it, there are actually only five ways to grow a business. Here they are: OneDouble down on the niche that you already serve. This can be done through better-selling processes, better marketing processes, improved channels, but essent...

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24 Inches

Andrew Penny, March 2 2021

Everybody in the world is now only 24” apart. Don’t believe me? On your next Zoom call, measure your nose to screen distance… COVID has changed things. We have learned that we can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world. We know that distance is dead. However, an interesting way to think about it is that everybody in the world is just 24 inches...

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Market Strategy

The 5 Golden Rules of Pricing

Andrew Penny, February 23 2021

An area that people get wrong all the time is pricing. Some people price high based on the profits they hope to achieve. Some base it on some sort of average industry “cost-plus” rule. Some are afraid to charge too much. Still, others simply add a few percent to last year’s price. So before you set your next price or quote your next deal here are...

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The First Sell

Andrew Penny, February 16 2021

Many companies (products and services companies) focus all their efforts on designing the end-customer experience. They think about the discovery, the buying experience, the user-experience, support and so on. And then, after all of that is ‘designed-in’ they think about getting to market.

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Market Strategy

Why I love Moleskines

Andrew Penny, January 26 2021

So here we are : 2021. We are at a new beginning. • WFH is a recognized acronym• The US has a new administration,• The UK has set sail away from the EU• China is running into authoritarian complaints• Covid vaccines are hitting their stride• Social media is maybe too big for its own good• On-line and Cloud everything is the norm• Client expectatio...

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Market Strategy

Butternut Openings

Andrew Penny, January 21 2021

When we bought our rural property several years ago, the waterfront was dominated by a massive butternut tree. It was close to 60’ high with a 2-1/2’ diameter trunk.  Unfortunately, butternut trees are subject to a nasty fungus called butternut canker that causes them to die off. In our case the tree had started to shed 12” limbs which, when droppe...

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Market Strategy

Said 2021 to 2020: "Hold my Beer"

Andrew Penny, January 12 2021

Heraclitus said that the only constant is change and 2021 is holding true to form with even more dramatic change on the way. The US socio-political situation is tense but it is being resolved quite quickly. The vaccines are on the way giving us not only hope but confidence as well. China and the rest of the world are at odds but new balance is bei...

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Leadership & Management

Seven Lessons from 2020

Andrew Penny, December 15 2020

First, let me tell you how grateful I am for the good fortune Kingsford has experienced during this crazy year of 2020. While many have suffered difficult times, we have been lucky to have an expanding roster of great clients who are thriving in this weird economy and are seizing the emerging opportunities.

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Leadership & Management

What is Core Purpose?

Andrew Penny, November 3 2020

Over that past few weeks we have been talking to clients about core purpose – that overarching reason to get up and do what you do each day. From an owner’s perspective making money is empty and soulless without purpose. From an employee point of view ’making the boss rich’ is obviously not a motivator. You can do much better than that!

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