Andrew Penny, August 6 2024

Objective Perspectives

The flight was a gift from our son Chris and partner Krista and was not something we would have ever considered. After all, we aren’t tourists. We know Ottawa quite well having lived here for decades. I’ve flown in and out of town countless times – nothing new to see. 

But here’s the thing. There’s something about seeing a city from the open cockpit of an ancient biplane that gives you a completely different perspective; seeing how extensive the urban forest is, noting the two dog-legs in the Ottawa River (I knew it curved – but dog-legs?) and seeing a number of suspicious large structures... These are only things you can see from an open cockpit at 1000 feet travelling at 90 miles an hour.  

When did you last ‘strap into a biplane’ and fly around your company?  Ok, that may be hard to do and possibly I’m stretching the metaphor a bit but you know what I mean.  Getting an outside perspective can help you to see things you have overlooked – these can be potential problems of course but just as often they can be huge opportunities.  

Business advisors can be your biplane. We see things differently. We have flown over hundreds of companies, markets, problems and opportunities and can give you great insights to strengthen your business. This can be in various forms; a simple chat, focused market analysis,  strategy workshop, or  advisory board. 

I hope you are enjoying the summer (or winter depending on where you are reading this) and that all your dog-legs are opportunities. 


Written by

Andrew Penny


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