The Kingsford Team, January 7 2025

How 2025 will be the same as any – and all – other years

Kingsford’s Prediction for what WON’T change in 2025

If your inbox is anything like ours, you will already be experiencing the annual deluge of trend predictions and forecasts for 2025 - all very interesting, but it can feel a bit like reading your horoscope.  Sure, things are always changing — the economy shifts, technology evolves, new buzzwords emerge — but you can’t grow a business based on constant change.

What you want to know is what’s not changing. What are the things you can count on to create new revenue this year?

Amongst all the noise of impending change, there will also be a surprising amount of stability. Here are our observations, grouped into two key areas: The Business Environment and Business Leadership Essentials

The Business Environment. 

These factors will remain constant. Lean hard on them to grow your business:

Business Leadership Essentials

Nothing new here… but that’s the point!

So What?

Yes, 2025 will have its surprises — just like 2024, 2023, and every year before.  So, absolutely, spend some time looking at what will be different (we’ll leave that to the hundreds of ‘experts’ out there filling your inbox), and some of those differences may be important to some of you. 

And while it is critical to keep an eye on those things and consider the potential impact (threat or opportunity), it's just as important to know what you can count on, and to be aware of your core strengths (and weaknesses) in order to be able to adapt to whatever comes your way.  Those that neglect the basics will struggle. 

For most businesses, it’s business as usual. So, build resilience, and create new revenue based on the enduring business environment and leadership success factors.   

Happy 2025!

Andrew and Graham

Written by

The Kingsford Team


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