Andrew Penny, December 10 2024

Doom Scrolling at Trade Shows Rots Your Mind

And your Brand

I used to hate trade shows. An endless parade of bored people scrolling past the booth desperately trying to avoid eye contact. It felt like my soul was being sucked out one passerby at a time. It took me years to learn why this was and how to avoid it. 

The simple reality is that 99% of the attendees are not, and never will be, buyers – no matter how hard you try. Desperately trying to lure them in with free pens, gimmicks videos, magic shows and so on is simply a waste of time, money and energy. The harder you try the less likely it is that anyone will stop. 

The tendency at trade shows is to try to be all things to all people – after all you have just spent thousands of dollars to be there – better maximize the return, EG: we make all kinds of windows for everyone – please buy them. And then nobody stops. 

You must go back to fundamentals and understand exactly what value you bring and exactly who do you want to do it for. The tighter the message the better.   

If you make windows, exactly who do you want to sell to? Homeowners, window installers, condo builders, apartment builders, office builders, big box retail, specialty retail, repair firms. Every one of these is a ‘potential’ customer ... and quite possibly you have a competitive story for each of them. But each one of them has a slightly different reason for buying, a unique itch that needs scratching.  Some are end users, some are channel members some are services. Being crystal clear about which itch you scratch and how you scratch it is crucial. Sometimes for new entrants its best to choose a small tangential niche to get market traction.  

Example of a focused tradeshow booth message:     

Do you build Luxury Condos?    
Our Windows are “Elegant, Customizable,     
Easy to install, Guaranteed pricing” 

If your messaging is like this – everyone who builds condos will stop at your booth and ask about the features you list. 

Are you brave enough to hyper focus at your next trade show? Want to brainstorm ideas to select the best niche and best itch? 

Send me an email and I’ll respond with suggestions. 


Written by

Andrew Penny


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