Andrew Penny, November 23 2021

Don't wait for Supply to improve-take advantage now

Almost all our clients are running at maximum capacity at the moment. And likely you are too (if not – we must talk…). At times like these, the natural inclination is to keep your head down and try to keep up with demand. But maybe that’s not the best thing to do. 

Hear me out.

We all know that the current business cycle is going to end when demand and supply balance out. Some say that will happen mid 2022 and my friend in the supply chain software business says it will go on until early 2023. The point is IT WILL END. If you can spare a little energy (and time and money) to think about new markets now, you will have an excellent opportunity to get a toehold in the new market which will enable you to continue to grow when the markets will become much more competitive.

Would you prefer to break into a new market when demand is begging for suppliers?  Or would you rather do it when everything is in balance and winning new business requires head-to-head competition with incumbent suppliers?

I’m not saying that you invest in a huge go-to-market approach, but that you put aside some time and money to start exploring now to take advantage of the immense opportunities in new markets. 

Written by

Andrew Penny

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