Buyers are increasingly using AI to solve problems such as ‘How do I manage a sales funnel? How do I seal glass to aluminum? Where should I stay in Atlanta? They do this because they will get answers rather than a list of ‘sponsored’ web pages they could visit. And they typically get a prompt asking if they would like to know where they can buy...
Read MoreSome companies spend way too much time developing insignificant incremental features for their products. Nobody buys a product, or service for that matter, based on how long the feature list is. Once it can get the job done, the product capabilities become irrelevant. What becomes more important, as Pete Townshend might ask,
Read MoreThe simple reality is that 99% of the attendees are not, and never will be, buyers – no matter how hard you try. Desperately trying to lure them in with free pens, gimmicks videos, magic shows and so on is simply a waste of time, money and energy. The harder you try the less likely it is that anyone will
Read MoreHenry VI , Part 3 While working with clients we often use a mnemonic called P-E-S-T-L-E; Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental. The idea is to look at these areas through the lens of your company to see where the threats and opportunities may lie. Typically, this is done as part of strategy development sessions....
Read MoreThere is a Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) issue that pervades most companies, and they try to be attractive to as many buyers as possible. And when I say attractive, I am not referring to their product or service alone – I am including the whole package: product, price, packaging, brand, support and so
Read MoreIn my ongoing quest to explore coffee shops, I recently came across another of note in one of the small towns near me. From the street, it wasn't too obvious, and on closer inspection, it had an eclectic mix of tables and chairs, curious décor, and other bits of furniture placed around the edges of the room - and so looked interesting. It was...
Read More2000 years ago, the satirist Juvenal coined the phrase ‘Bread and Circuses’ to chastise the Roman populace. He observed that they were being distracted from their civic responsibilities by a steady diet of food and entertainment. The gladiatorial displays the government put on are a good example of this. In a strange twist, today's politicians...
Read MoreFulford Place George Fulford was a pharmaceutical manufacturer who made his large fortune with "Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People"; these were sold in over 80 countries around the world. The 'pink pills' were actually, essentially, iron tablets. And the 'pale people' were those suffering from anaemia of which there were many resulting...
Read MoreLet me explain.
Read MoreTake the image above for example. It looks like a collection of hammers but, in fact, each hammer is different and has a unique purpose: hammers for masons, hammers for welders, hammers for carpenters, joiners, framers, prospectors, and so on. If you were in the ‘hammer’ business, I would challenge you to determine which of these segments you...
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