Lean & Agile

Lean & Agile

Welcome To The Edge of Chaos

Graham Birkenhead, October 21 2021

We humans are paradoxical creatures.  On the one hand, we like habits - good or bad - where we follow routines, and especially if we did something that worked really well, then we are quite happy to do the same again, and again, and keep doing it.   Eating the same things, at the same times, going to the same place for vacation year after year, a...

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Lean & Agile

Feeling Cluttered?  Prune!

Graham Birkenhead, May 22 2019

Have you ever tried to find something in your garage or storage cupboard? You know what you are looking for, you know where it is, but to get there you have to wade through loads of other stuff? Stuff just accumulates, little by little; you hardly notice it – in fact, most often you don't notice it at all – until you are looking for something. So,...

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Lean & Agile

Make your Value Flow - End to End

Graham Birkenhead, December 4 2018

I was chatting with a friend  the other day, explaining a little more about what I do when he stopped me and said: “I keep hearing that term - what exactly do you mean by end-to-end and why do you talk about it all the time?” Once you are exposed to end to end (e2e) it comes naturally but it can take a while to grasp the subtleties. e2e is core to...

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