Andrew Penny, February 25 2025

Business as Usual???

There is absolutely no doubt that it won’t be Business as Usual for the next few years.  

And that could be a good thing!    Why? 

As the late great Montrealer Leonard Cohn famously said:

Forget your perfect offering, 
There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in.”  

And, my oh my, are we going to see some cracks in the next few unpredictable years…. 

So how do you thrive in this environment?

First mover advantage.  The way business is done is absolutely changing (and possibly changing absolutely). Most companies are going to take a wait and see approach. They’ll sit on the sidelines until the rest of the herd has chosen a direction. By acting now, you can gain first mover advantage. That’s doesn’t mean that you bet the farm on it, but do take some risks and get moving. Not moving is an even bigger risk.

Niche, niche, niche.  Markets are never homogeneous. They are always heterogeneous no matter how volatile they become. Identify your absolute best market niche and embrace it. Follow it through all the turbulence that’s coming. Own it. Serve it. Grow it. So many of our clients are realizing this and doubling down on global niches.

Be Authentic.  Trying to suck up to everyone will not work. You must remain true to your values and display them in the way you chose to do business. And, no you won’t be loved by everyone (you never were - it’s just that now things are more polarized). 

Invest in your Brand.  In these times of turbulence and backlash, appeasing all comers will end in tears. Buyers want to know who you are and what you believe before they will buy from you. Introduce your owners. Describe your values. Explain your ‘why’. Tell your story. Share it with your market niche. 

Yes, we are living in unpredictable, volatile, polarized, turbulent, and precarious times, but remember, “the cracks” are where the light gets in. 

See you next time, 


Written by

Andrew Penny


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