Andrew Penny, July 23 2024

Bread and Circuses

Who is paying the clowns?

2000 years ago, the satirist Juvenal coined the phrase ‘Bread and Circuses’ to chastise the Roman populace. He observed that they were being distracted from their civic responsibilities by a steady diet of food and entertainment. The gladiatorial displays the government put on are a good example of this. In a strange twist, today's politicians seem to be performing in the coliseum themselves.  

You just have to look at the performances in France (the right-left flip), in the UK (the conservative plunge), and last weekend in the US (the WTF). 

So, yes, it is indeed a time of ‘Bread and Circuses’, but let’s not lose sight of what is happening behind the curtains. Follow the advice in almost every ‘who-done-it’ on TV and  ‘follow the money’. Figure out who is paying the clowns. Where is the big money going? What’s in it for them? And what would be in it for you, your grandchildren, and your country??    


Written by

Andrew Penny


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